Updated June 21, 2001 - Where has all the time gone? Such is life, I suppose. And I apologize. But Amiboshi is waiting for you - the latest addition thanks to your votes. Checking him out. I mean REALLY check him out. ^_~. Then vote for the next fella in Coming Attractions. Thanks for visiting!

Updated March 18, 2001 - Happy St. Patricks Day, one day late. I finally did what I said I was going to do and re-did the site. I was just waiting around for inspiration to strike. And it struck hard - kind of like a brick wall ^_~. So this is the Grafitti edition of Men of Anime. I hope you like it. I really need more voting to be going on in Coming Attractions. There's a three way tie so somebody PLEASE break the tie for me, okay? See ya!

Updated February 3, 2001Thanks to everyone who voted in January. The winner, and latest entry to Men of Anime is *drum roll please * . . . . .
Tasuki!!! WooHoo! He's in at last and very happy about it, let me tell you. Feeling neglected after that whole Duo/Kenshin thing. The very worthy Tasuki is all moved in so you should go check out his pages. And there are lots more worthy fellas banging at the door. Be sure to vote one as much as possible in February (a short month) so that your fav guy will be the next addition to Men of Anime!!! (Doesn't that sound dramatic. lol. Well it is kind of a game show. Like Survivor except that you have to get voted IN instead of out. Anyway-) *ahem* Who will be next? Blond Gourry? Brunette Heero? Red-head Aya? Or green-head Ferio? Go to Coming Attractions and cast your vote!

What else. Just for fun I added a new Memory Game with a red theme. That means guys with red hair or guys known for wearing red. Check it out in Fun Stuff. Plus I posted a few more cutie Pocket Bishonen that I captured. ^_^ Also, I'm working out a new look for the place. Not sure how long it'll take but one of these days you'll be surprised. And hopefully you'll find it a pleasant surprise. ^_^ So keep coming back!!

Updated January 4, 2001. Hey You!! Yes, I'm talking to you. Do you love bishounen? Well, you must or why else would you be here. But now I need your HELP!!!!! I need you to go to Coming Attractions and cast your vote for the next bish to get added here at Men of Anime. Secretly, I'm hoping it's Tasuki since he's gotten passed over twice before. But is Heero Yuy any less deserving? Or Aya? Or Ferio? I can't decide so you have to decide for me. Vote today!!

Updated December 17, 2000. The people have spoken. In what started out as the tightest vote since you know what, Himura Kenshin edged out the competition to become the newest sexy addition to Men of Anime. WooHoo! Rouroni Kenshin has become the first series featured here with two 'binanshi' (handsome men) ^_^ Check out his pages and then visit Coming Attractions to see who replaced him in the poll. And be sure to vote on your fav fella once again.

Updated October 22, 2000. The results are in on Men of Anime's first poll. It was a close race, but Duo Maxwell of Gundam Wing had barely edged out Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi to be the next addition. Duo Maxwell's pages have been posted so go take in all the splendor that is Duo. Then be sure to vote again for the next new addition. Will it be Tasuki? Ferio? Or perhaps it'll be Duo's replacement, Heero Yuy. I've got a contest. A fabulous contest with a fabulous prize to be won. Visit Miscellany and see if you can identify 23 anime men. The person with the most correct answers at the end of the contest will win an anime poster of their favorite series. Also, I've added a page for all the Pocket Bishonen that I've captured. You'll find them in Miscellany, too. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your stay and please sign my guestbook on your way out. ^_^ Hey! How do you like the new frames job? Thanks to Katagillian and Alex-Ohki for helping me make it all work. But I made the Vash image map myself, in honor of my becoming Vash the Stampede no Koibito. What's that? Find out more at the Koibito Archives.

September 26, 2000. Actually, I accidently deleted this update while I was redoing the page. So this is just a paraphrase. Basicly I said that I needed people to vote in the new poll. I still need people to vote, so if you're reading this go to Coming Attractions right now! Okay?

July 27, 2000. I was going to update sooner but I couldn't decide which guy to add and I haven't received any suggestions. So here's what's NEW!!! I've created a poll to make it easy for you. Just go to Coming Attractions and cast your vote. Also, I've finally put something interesting in Miscellany. It's a montage of all my favorite 3-dimensional men. See if you can identify them all.

June 10, 2000 - I've been reworking all of the old pages, simplifing them for the new format. And of course there's the new Vash the Stampede page. I created a particulary nasty slide puzzle of Tamahome and Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi. It's got 48 pieces. A real challenge. And since I've finally gotten to see some Gundam Wing, all the boys from that show are now candidates for the page. Yeah!!! That's about it, except, does anybody have a midi from Trigun??

May 22, 2000 - The new frames version of Men of Anime is up and running. Tons of other changes and additions have been made, most notable of which is the Coming Attractions page which shows which anime men will be added next. Oh, and there's also some cool skins in the Fun Stuff section but that's about all for now. I'm thinking about having adoptions of some sort. Does anybody like this idea???

May 5, 2000 - I put up the rest of the profiles. Now I know I promised Series Info but I just don't know if that's what I should do. I need feedback for this page to work and to get that I need more people to visit this site. If you're reading this, tell your friends about the place. And drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you. Oh yeah, and I also joined a bunch of webrings appropriate to each man. Hopefully this will increase traffic. ^_^

March 20, 2000 - Men of Anime has become a seperate page from Echo of the Spheres. Counter and guestbook will be added ASAP if not sooner. Profiles for Sanosuke, Mamoru and Tamahome have been added. The rest will follow soon. Feedback, I need feedback. E-mail me please with your comments and suggestions.

February 26, 2000 - I've added gallery and links pages for all the guys! Profiles and Series Info coming soon. (I hope)

February 23, 2000 - A midi for each guy's main page has been added. I'm really proud to have found a Captain Tylor midi. It wasn't easy!

February 22, 2000 - Men of Anime Page is launched. Thanks sooo much to Katagillian for helping me to figure out mouse-overs. And to Sailor Crystal for giving me good advice. ^_^