Real Name: Kou Shun'u
Senshi Name: Tasuki Nickname: Genrou
Birthday: April 18
Age: 17 years old
Height: 178cm
Blood Type: B
Senshi Symbol: Wings
Position Of Symbol: Right forearm(?)
Power: Creats fire blast from tessen
Likes: Fighting, Drinking, Swearing Hates: Women, Water
Seiyuu: Hayashi Nobutoshi

In a way, Tasuki reminds me of Sanosuke from Fushigi Yuugi. They're both incredibly tough and take pride in the fact, even though they both are softies at heart. Both were leaders of gangs, both are tremendously loyal. And both of them at some point get their ass kicked. Sano by Kenshin, among others. And Tasuki by (evil) Tamahome, among others. You know how I feel about Sano. (LOVE the baka) But Tasuki goes one step beyond Sano. He's got a metal fan that shoots fire when he shouts, "Lekka Shien!!" Being a pyromaniac myself, this is certainly a turn on. ^_^ But lets talk about Tasuki's role in Fushigi Yuugi.

One of Tasuki's finest qualities is his loyalty. And he demonstrates it first as Genrou, the man chosen to the leader of the mountain bandits. He takes that responsibility very seriously, doing all he can to get control of the would-be usurper, Eiken. And he tells Miaka and her group that Tasuki is dead. He fully intends to keep his promise to his master and be the bandit leader. The thing is, being a SuzakuSeishi is bigger than that. It's something he was born to be. And when he realizes this, he leaves Kouji in charge, joins Miaka with a timely rescue, and sticks with her until the very end. Loyalty. And excellent quality and one of many that this fine Man of Anime possesses. Along with a cute set of fangs. ^_^



The music you are listening to is the Fushigi Yuugi Theme.