Name: Sagara Sanosuke
AKA: Sano, Sano-san, Zanza
Birthdate: February 1860
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 71 kg
Blood Type: B
Former Affiliation: Sekihou Tai
Equipment/Skills: Zanbatou, Futae No Kiwami
Seiyuu: Ueda Yuuji

What's so great about Sano, you may ask. He gets picked on quite a bit throughout the series for everything from his hair to his perpetual lack of finances. But what's so great about him is the way his character has developed throughout the series. Sano was just a trifle over-confident, stuborn and cocky at the beginning of the series. He had to get his ass whooped several times before he realized he wasn't God's gift to the Meiji era. But learning the Futae no Kiwami (Double Extreme) certainly helped in the confidence department. And his breif relationship with Magdalia (Saya) settles him down a bit. (He stays pretty stuborn though.) Sano becomes more of a team player toward the end and actually has some good ideas much to everyone's surprise.

I like Sano for many reasons. The voice is a big one. I love that growly voice. And I know that beneath that rough exterior he's really a softy. Why else would dogs and children like him so much. I love that loyalty is so important to him. That when he commits to something he stays committed. That he won't give up his ganster jacket with the kanji for 'bad' on the back. I could go on and on. FYI - Sano is the reason I created Men of Anime in the first place. ^_^



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