Japanese Name: Chiba Mamoru
English Name: Darien Shields Name meaning: Earth Protector
Birthday: August 3 (Same as me!)
Astrological sign: Leo
Blood type: A
Height: 6'2"
Favorite colour: Black
Hobby: Reading
Favorite food: Chocolate
Least Favorite food: None
Favorite subject: Physics
Worst subject: None
Seiyuu: Furuya Tohru

What I love best about Mamo-chan is not that he looks good in a tux, which he does. He looks good in practically everthing. (But the tophat should go.) And it's not that he watches over Sailor Moon, which he does, dropping in at appropriate moments to distract the bad guy and offer her encouragement. (But the speeches could be a shade less corny.) What I love is the way he loves Usagi and she loves him. Though Usagi is still pretty young and will go gaga for any cute guy that walks by, she's very protective of her Mamo-chan and would willingly sacrifice herself (and usually does) to save him. Mamoru has never seriously looked twice at another woman. And though he has not nearly the power that Sailor Moon has, he is equally willing to die for her and he inspires her with his love to do what she has to do. Their love is not perfect but it is eternal.


Fabulous, wonderful, unbelievably good Sailor Moon page. Owned and operated by my best friend. ^_^

My little Sailor Moon page. The one that started it all. ^_^

The music you are listening to is Rainy Day Man.