Real Name: Bo Koutoku
Seishi Name: Amiboshi
Birthdate: August 26
Age: 15
Height: 168 cm
Blood Type: B
Seishi Symbol: High spirits(?)
Position of Symbol: Right upper arm
Constellation: (?)
Power: Flute
Family: Twin brother Suboshi
Seiyuu: Ueda Yuuji

When first I saw him I knew there was something wrong with the boy. For one thing, he didn't match the pictures of Chiriko that I'd already seen. But I liked him, though his little flute song got on my nerves. His voice is the same as that other much-loved bish Sagara Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin. So he had that going for him from the start. But disappearing and apparently dead at the end of the first season I hadn't had much hope of seeing him again and getting to know him better. Too soon, too soon taken from us.

What a wonderful and poigniant surprise when he shows up again late in the second season. I won't give away any more about him. Promise. But let me just say that, aside from the lovely voice, Amiboshi has some other great points in his favor. So maybe he's killed some people and is technically on the wrong side. Compared with his twin brother he's an angel. (I just can't forgive Suboshi for what he did to Tamahome. ) Amiboshi loves peace and family, and always tries to put these things first in his life, which under the circumstances is VERY hard to do But I love him for trying. ^_^



The music you are listening to is Reach Out to the Beautiful Morning.